Optimizing your website

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Making your website is not even a half of the work you are starting.
Really, what is a website if no one is to see it?
To do that, to drive traffic to your site it has to appear in search engines, those horrible services who have become so powerful that they behave as they own the world wide web.
Have you ever wondered why is that? Why do these services, once free and useful now became expensive but remained useful?
Every time I start my firefox (see that I don’t use IE), my first habit is to type in www.google.com..
Why do I do that? Why do I participate in feeding this already obese man who eats what ever you put on his plate? Answer to this question is not a hard one. We humans are slaves to our habits.


  • Maggie

    we do home clean services in homes / move in move out

  • Sophia

    You have got to read this article – “Sophia”, a very good friend of mine that is very successful at internet marketing sent it me, simply go to googledaddy.net or Sophia . [optimizing website for search engines]

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